Child + Family Counseling

When it comes to raising kids, change is the only constant. Bodies change. Brains change. Friends change. Life circumstances and families change, too. For children and teens, these changes can sometimes be difficult to process, resulting in feelings and behaviors that cause challenges for both kids and their families.
At Live Well, we offer individual therapy for children and teens, which can be further supported by family therapy. Family therapy helps to integrate the work that's done in individual therapy, so the family unit can function better together as a whole.

Our Areas of Specialization

  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Divorce, Dating, and Remarriage
  • Grief and Loss
  • Trauma
  • Attachment Difficulties
  • Bullying and Trouble with Friends and Peers

Our Areas of Specialization

  • Cutting and Self-Harm
  • Life Transitions and Changes
  • Family Substance Abuse
  • Social Complexities and Difficulties
  • Mental Illness
  • Difficult Behaviors

Counseling for Children + Teens

As a parent or caregiver, you may find it difficult to support your child when life gets hard for them. Or maybe you struggle with imposing consequences for unwanted behavior. You may also worry about how patterns from your own past, or your present day responses, could be contributing to your child's challenges. Many parents look to counseling for their kids when they're at a loss about what to do next and worried about their child's current and long-term health and well-being.
Parents also seek counseling when significant transitions or shifts within the family, such as a change of school or divorce, come with new and unwelcome behavior. Likewise, symptoms of depression, self-harm, or problems with friends and peers may prompt the need for professional help.

What to Expect

At Live Well, we integrate play, art, and storytelling into our work with children and teens. This approach is especially helpful with younger children, who don't yet have the language to verbalize their emotions. Adolescents, too, benefit from using art (and some play) to help them define and express feelings and stories that may otherwise be difficult to process. This approach helps them gain the confidence they need to challenge self-defeating thoughts and behaviors.

In one-on-one therapy with kids, we break big problems into smaller parts, making them easier and safer for kids to process. In addition to creativity and play, we use other proven therapeutic techniques to help kids (and their parents and caregivers) navigate behavioral issues, trauma, relationship problems, and difficult emotions.

How It Works

Family therapy and individual therapy for kids and teens takes place in our offices in Grand Junction, CO, or via a secure telehealth platform.


Child Counseling Session

$140 - $150

get started with Child Counseling

Family Counseling

As humans, we’re wired to connect to others, and our family relationships have a significant influence on the way we feel. When it's good, it's good! But when we fail to hear one another or experience disconnection, the discomfort can be unbearable. Trauma, substance use, or mental illness can be difficult to navigate, while day-to-day discord and disagreements can take their toll on individual family members and the family unit.

At Live Well, we work with families as a whole and offer family counseling in support of individual therapy. When working individually with children and teens, family therapy helps to integrate the work that's done in individual therapy, so the family unit can function better together as a whole.

Family Counseling for Expectant + New Parents

If you're an expectant or new parent, you may find yourself facing unanticipated challenges, uncertainties, and struggles leading up to and through the early stages of parenthood. Working through this period with a counselor can help you set the stage for a more joyful experience in creating your family.

What to Expect

In family therapy, the therapist works with all willing family members to help heal the painful and challenging aspects of your family relationships, so you can experience greater connection, closeness, and joy. As a parent or caregiver, family counseling can help you recognize your own learned patterns and cycles, and learn new ways to connect and interact with your child.  

Family therapy aims to open lines of communication, resolve conflict, explore roles and patterns of behavior, and uncover what family members have learned about how to feel and express emotions. When we unpack the stuff that gets in the way of seeing one another clearly, it becomes possible to create deeper connections and a brightened sense of love for one another. Family therapy is also an effective way to learn to cope with tragedy, loss, or mental illness, together.

How It Works

Family therapy and individual therapy for kids and teens takes place in our offices in Grand Junction, CO, or via a secure telehealth platform.


Family Counseling Session
