Counseling & Consultation for Therapists

We hold that the role of a therapist involves a process of "becoming." Developing skills and advanced approaches to complex clinical presentations is certainly a huge piece of that process. But we’re also humans sitting with humans. Our own doubts, fears, past experiences, and feelings of being an imposter can create barriers that get in the way of us showing up to the therapy room as our wisest self, and they can dampen our ambitions to excel in our field.
At Live Well, we support other mental health professionals in their personal and professional journey through our specialized EMDR consultation services, as well as individual therapy and therapy intensives. Whether you're seeking counseling to resolve personal barriers, or EMDR consultation to develop your skills, we’ll pair you with an advanced clinician who’s skilled at holding space for your expertise, while they serve as your trusted guide.

EMDR Clinical Consultation

At Live Well, clinical consultation is rooted in the field's most current research, with fidelity to the EMDR model. In consultation, we work with you to solve challenges you may be facing within your practice. We assess your process and approach to see what's working and shine a light on what might be getting in the way. We weave together solutions and plans of action to help you advance your skills, so you can bring your insight and understanding back to the clients you serve.

Live Well Co-Founder Jessica Downs is a trainer, consultant, and therapist, and a senior faculty member with Kase & CO, one of the country's foremost EMDR training providers. Jessica offers specialty consultation in EMDR and Ego States Therapy, alongside Live Well therapists Sara Means, Melissa Fisher and Courtney Flores. As EMDR Consultants, Sara, Melissa, and Courtney are highly experienced in clinical supervision, and draw on their expertise in Ego States Therapy, Polyvagal Theory, and the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics in their work as EMDR Clinical Consultants. Courtney Flores specializes in the use of EMDR with children. The team is skilled in supporting the educational and emotional needs of other mental health professionals in the journey to becoming an exceptional EMDR clinician.

request your EMDR Consultation now


55-minute Individual Consultation Session:

Jessica Downs
Sara Means
Melissa Fisher
Courtney Flores

55-minute Group Consultation Session:

Jessica Downs
per person
Sara Means
per person
Melissa Fisher
per person
Courtney Flores
per person

Get Started with Consultation

Therapy for Therapists

We understand the value of your expertise and awareness as a mental health professional, and welcome that into the therapy process. Your experience allows us to engage at a deep level, anticipate the use of tools and techniques, and view progress through a professional lens – advantages unique to our field. But while we recognize your expertise, we also offer you the space to set it down and allow for new, deeper perspectives to emerge.

As a therapist, your education and therapeutic skills provide you with tools to think your way through challenges. You’re likely good at observing yourself to gain insight and develop self-awareness. In therapy, we honor your skills while holding space for you to feel your way through things that keep you stuck – past experiences and patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that no longer serve you. We pair you with one of our most advanced practitioners to give you the time and space to rumble with the tough stuff, and we show up authentically as humans, so you feel safe to do the same.

Therapy Intensives for Therapists

As therapists, the need to self-regulate and hold on to a state of grounding isn’t a luxury – it's a necessity that allows us to help others: As we co-regulate with our clients, we lend them the flexibility of our nervous system, so they feel safe and grounded as they lean into the deep work of healing. 

Therapy intensives for therapists are designed to provide 6 hours of therapy in one day (2 sets of 3 hours), and can range from 1-4 days, depending on your specific needs. We’ll discuss a plan to customize the hours outside of our one-on-one time, according to your interests and preferences for food, self-care, and complementary activities.

While an intensive doesn’t change the need for or benefit of ongoing support, it can accelerate your progress by providing an ideal format to lean into big work or realize significant change in a short period of time. If you struggle with committing to consistent weekly therapy appointments for yourself, intensives can also be an excellent periodic therapy solution.

How It Works

Therapy intensives take place in our offices in Grand Junction, CO. If you’re in-state, intensives begin with 2-3 introductory telehealth sessions. If you’re out of state, we’ll plan a 60-minute consultation call prior to your arrival in Colorado.


6-Hour Intensive
[2x 3-hour sessions]

for 1 to 4 days

Fees are for therapy services only and do not include accommodation, food, or other activities. Introductory telehealth and consultation sessions are billed separately at our standard hourly rate.